- When you submit a job to be edited we will reach out to you within 24 hours to confirm I received your order. Please check the main site for our current estimated turn around times.
- Once you receive an invoice, that invoice must be paid in order to receive your edits. Payments can be made over venmo, zelle or paypal.
- We will always edit your work using the latest lightroom release. You must have the most recent version or we will not be able to edit for you. Please make sure you have the most current version of Lightroom.
- All edits will be sent thru our portal. If you require a different method please let me know in your inquiry email.
- If you are unhappy with your edits, there is ONE re-edit given to fix issues you may have. An email must be sent within ONE WEEK of receiving the edits.
- Payments are final. There are no refunds.
- We ar not responsible for lost RAW files. We do not have them.
- No credit is required for editing. If you wish to credit/refer you can tag @filmeditco on instagram.